Serial Com Port
How to determine what service is using a serial com port
If your telephone system sends call records over a serial connection then these instructions can help you see what computer service is using a serial port. These instructions are used in cases where you think you have a free com port, but when you try to open the com port you receive an error that states that the com port is already in use. If you do not know what program has the com port open, you can use these instructions to locate the service that is using the port.
Go to Device Manager
Select PORTS - Com & LPT
Right click on the com port in question
Select properties
Select details
Select SERVICE from the drop down list
You will see the name of the service that has the com port open
Comm One Call Accounting Software
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FAQ-1446 Determine which serial port a service is using
Posted: 02/02/2017
Updated: 02/13/2021
Author: Comm One Technical Support